Big Poetry Giveaway 2014!

big poetry giveaway 2014

This year I’m joining the Big Poetry Giveaway organized by Kelli Russell Agodon over at Book of Kells Poetry Giveaway 2014. What a marvelous idea she had five years ago to spread the poetry love around! I’m giving away 3 books. To enter to win, post a comment saying which book/books you’d love to receive, and at the end of National Poetry Month I’ll choose a winner for each book by some manner of random drawing.

My 3 books, beloved for different reasons, are:

A Wreath for Emmett Till, an astounding cycle of poems by Marilyn Nelson. In a royal crown of sonnets, she reflects on the life and death of Emmett Till, the difficulty of finding language for this kind of grief, and the on going nature of violence and remembrance. Because this was released as a Young Adult book, waaaaaaayyy too many poets I love don’t know the work.

Legs Tipped with Small Claws, a 2012 chapbook from Joan Larkin in which insects and jazz and brittle sharp writing combine to be a huge delight in a small book. Joan gave me an autographed copy, so I’m passing on one I bought.

Another amazing little book that few folks seem to know, a 1954 book Langston Hughes wrote for children about the nature of rhythm in the world. I've found it so invaluable that I buy used copies whenever I come across them. To you, Dear Poetry Lover, I'm willing to pass along one of these!

Again, to enter, post a comment saying which book/books you'd like to be in the running for. Easy!

30 thoughts on “Big Poetry Giveaway 2014!

  1. I’d love to read all of these, Elliott. If I win, I’d be happy with any of these three. I love that you’re participating in this! Have a great rest of your week.

  2. What a great giveaway! I’d love to be put in the drawing for Legs Tipped with Small Claws – insects and jazz, now there’s a great combination!

  3. count me in please šŸ™‚

    (also, I was all too late to join the Giveaway! officially but decided to pirate it and will be giving away few books. Feel welcomed to drop by and see if there is something in there for you)

  4. Toss my name in, please! I’d love any of these books. šŸ™‚
    my email: srivastava[dot]priyanci2611[at]gmail[dot]com

    Thanks and Happy Poetry Month!

  5. I would love to have The Book of Rhythms in my collection. It inspires me to start writting again.

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